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Creator’s Corner: How Stephanie Long Radiates Wellness Through Ayurvedic Principles

Creator's Corner Stephanie Long

Source: Stephanie Long / SRL Well-Being

NAME: Stephanie Long

OCCUPATION / AFFILIATION: Founder & Chopra-Certified Wellness Instructor, SRL Well-Being LLC

LOCATION: West Palm Beach, Florida

HOW ARE YOU USING YOUR GIFT TO INSPIRE THE COMMUNITY? “When I hear the word ‘elevate,’ I think about my work as a Wellness Practitioner and the privilege that I have to help elevate my community through the wellness work that I do in helping people to not only realize their wholeness, but to reclaim their wholeness.”


Taking on a second act in life can be hard for anyone trying to start anew, or simply enhance a growing empire. Thankfully, with trust in the Lord’s strength (and a little determination on your own end as well!) you can see things really go the distance while also receiving a bonus cosmic return unlike anything conceivable under the moon and stars.

For an on-the-rise wellness guru named Stephanie Long, that testament rings true in the most enlightening ways possible.

From the glow of her natural aura to a vernacular that intersects between well-spoke and woke, Long makes her introduction into well-being by way of an eight-year stint in the bustling and fast-paced world of journalism. After years of navigating on the editorial side at publications like VIBE Magazine, Refinery 29, and penning a few gems here at iOne Digital, to branching out under her namesake SRL Well-Being as a certified practitioner through the prestigious Chopra coaching program, this sista is making it happen for herself! Then again, she also keeps her faith as a reliable tool throughout it all. Stephanie utilizes a unique technique in her work that includes a combination of Ayurvedic principles, classic meditation and personalized life coaching skills that all root back to her unwavering belief system. One of the core principles in the SRL Well-Being Coaching System is an idea of putting focus on spiritual growth and purpose. As her mission statement on the website puts it, you can aim to live with the purest of intentions and alignment by simply exploring ways to deepen spiritual practices and gain clarity on your life purpose. As her network grows through hosting live events, like the monthly “Sunset Reset” meditation circle aimed toward collective recalibration, we can only hope Stephanie Long’s innate shine and glaring faith continues to ‘elevate’ all that seek her wellness.


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