heavenly father sacrifices - African father and girl exploring and learning in a park

Source: Miguel Serrano Ruiz / Getty

The Bible does a great job at highlighting the many sacrifices God made due to expressing his unfailing love for his children. From creating a world where life could be lived for all mankind to sacrificing his one and only son so that our sins could be wiped clean, it’s not far fetched for God to go above and beyond to make sure our relationship with Him is established on love, great value, and promises. Similar to our Heavenly Father, earthly fathers depicted throughout the Bible also showed up in ways where they made necessary sacrifices through tough decision-making and actions to ensure that their family was taken care of and in good hands.

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The act of sacrificing focuses on giving up something for the sake of someone else’s happiness and comfort. Although God set the bar high for the ultimate sacrifice, the Bible references several fathers who made significant sacrifices that proved their dedication and love to their family. While making certain sacrifices come with consequences, at the end of the day, there is always a greater purpose in God’s plan. From our Heavenly Father to Father Abraham, below are five fathers we can all learn from.

1. Our Heavenly Father

God loved the world so much, that he sacrificed his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Each and every sacrifice that God made for his children further proved the immense amount of love that he held individually. Through forgiveness and a clean slate, God offers the opportunity for all of his children to experience eternal life, securing each person a special place in heaven. Alongside eternal life, God also offers the gift of grace, an expression of his everlasting love and forgiveness, through the sacrifice of judgement and anger.

2. Jacob and His Dedication to Rachel

Jacob was dedicated to marrying Rachel, sacrificing 14 long years of his life to labor to make his dream a reality. What was supposed to ultimately be seven years of dedicated labor, Jacob was deceived by Laban, Rachel’s father who gave him his other daughter, Leah, instead. Jacob sacrificed another seven long years in exchange for Rachel’s hand in marriage. His sacrifice and time eventually paid off, resulting in him marrying both sisters in order to have his happy ending.

3. Father Abraham Had Many Sons

Abraham’s obedience was tested when God commanded him to go and sacrifice his son, Isaac. As a parent, the idea of losing your child already comes with many emotions, but being told to sacrifice them willingly opens an entirely other can of worms. Despite the hurt that came with the decision to do the unthinkable, Abraham obeyed God’s commands and because of his obedience, before he could complete the task, he was rewarded. Instead of sacrificing his son, God provided Abraham with a ram and went even further to promise him a reward of becoming the father of many nations. The story of Abraham is a reminder to be faithful and obedient. God already has things under control.

4. Joseph, Jesus’ Earthly Father

Taking on the role of a father figure is a huge task that doesn’t come easy, but Joseph was up for the job. Despite Mary being a virgin, she approached Joseph with child and instead of moving on with his life, he decided to step up to the plate and be the support system Mary needed. Not only was Joseph obedient to God, but he took on the role of fatherhood like a champion becoming a help mate for Mary and an earthly father for Jesus.

5. David and His Sacrificial Love

While sacrifice is embodied in many forms, David portrayed sacrificial love after the loss of his son with Bathsheba. David knew his affair wasn’t of God and because of his sin, God took away the son that was conceived. In his season of grieving, David realized his grief was a product of his disobedience. He soon realized that God’s will had been done and he eventually decided to submit to the ways of the Lord, asking for forgiveness. David was forgiven and God allowed him to live, resulting in him putting his selfishness to the side in a means of sacrificing his feelings to prioritize his relationship with God.


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