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Creator’s Corner: How Norman Gyamfi Is Redefining Gospel Music Industry Standards

creator's corner Norman Gyamfi

Source: Tribl Records / Tribl Records

NAME: Norman Gyamfi

OCCUPATION / AFFILIATION: Maverick City Music, Co-Founder/CEO of The Icho Group

LOCATION: Columbia, South Carolina

HOW ARE YOU USING YOUR GIFT TO INSPIRE THE COMMUNITY? “I came into a community that was probably 20 years behind mainstream in what I would consider digital media and digital marketing. What we’ve done over the past five to seven years is reintroduce touring, empowered independent artists through distributions, built one of the largest management companies in our space while on the same token broadened the access for minority writers onto not only gospel but Christian music and mainstream music charts. When I think about how me and the team have elevated the community that I work in, I employ majority minorities — it’s 50+ currently, but when we’re touring that number gets north of 150 to 200. We provide them with career opportunities, artists with revenue to take care of their families and most importantly we provide them with a different way of thinking and opportunity outside of the status quo.”


Sure, winning a GRAMMY isn’t everything; it sure does feel good to see your favorite artist take one home though! We’d assume it’s an even better feeling for the awarded musicians themselves, holding in their hands a pinnacle of success in the music industry and a token that recognizes their musical offering as worthy of accolades and praise. Maverick City Music co-founder Norman Gyamfi can most certainly claim that feat, three times over to be exact! Winning three out of the five GRAMMYs he’s been nominated for throughout his career – Best Gospel Album (Kingdom Book One Deluxe), Best Gospel Performance/Song (“Kingdom”) and Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song (“Fear Is Not My Future”) are his big wins alongside the group — Gyamfi is no stranger to going for the gold and getting it.

Maverick City as a collective has been all the talk in the gospel community lately, from the aforementioned awards that’ve ben seriously stacking up to their constant streak of chart-topping singles. With Norman Gyamfi as a leader in it all, his direction for the group can for some be considered a testament to their overall success. Of course, he doesn’t do it alone: not only are their dozens of members who match his talent and love for the Lord, he also has fellow gospel singer Travis Greene to call on as his brother-in-law. One look at his life on social media tells you that he enjoys every bit of this life, from the accolades and chart success to simply creating a dynamic with his wife and family overall that feels like a blessing to witness. It’s comforting to know that God is there every step of the way and guiding the music he makes, the collaborations he puts together and his beautiful family life that fans can tap into by simply visiting his social media. A gift from God to us all, indeed!


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