sade solomon, with the perrys

Source: Sade Solomon / Sade Solomon

When my friends first mentioned that they wanted to attend With the Perry’s Podcast Tour Stop in New York City, I knew it was something I shouldn’t miss out on. Over the past few months, I have thoroughly enjoyed and gleaned from their podcast, With The Perrys. I’ve gained some insight into apologetics, evangelism, church politics and culture, and how to truly live righteously. Their ability to tell stories engaging, transparent, and honestly has captured my eye and attention. My anticipation for the event was electric, growing as the event sold out within a few weeks, a clear indication of the magnitude of their influence and the thrill of the upcoming experience.

With this in mind, I didn’t know what to expect during the event. I told a friend, “You can tell how impactful and influential someone is when they don’t have to describe their event in detail—just post it, and people buy tickets.” It was evident that Preston and Jackie Hill Perry didn’t need to oversell or overexplain what the show would be about; people saw their names and eagerly purchased tickets.

The Atmosphere

I get anxious in large crowds and long lines, so I should have bought VIP tickets. Instead, my five friends and I purchased general admission tickets, meaning seats were first come, first served. Fortunately, one of my friends arrived 20 minutes before the line started to form down 83rd Street, nearly wrapping around Columbus Avenue. Once the doors opened, the atmosphere was electric, with the line falling into the venue amidst a buzz of excited conversations. Fans from all walks of life gathered, united by a shared appreciation for The Perrys’ unique blend of humor, honesty, and wisdom, creating a vibrant and diverse community.

The Event

After a 10-minute dance break to Kirk Franklin’s “Brighter Day,” Mary Mary’s “It’s the God in Me and Shackles,” and “Lift Our Hands in the Sanctuary,” the lights dimmed, Preston and Jackie walked on stage, greeted by roaring screams and applause. The gems dropped next, left fans clapping, raising their hands, pushing their friends, and standing in agreement.

The Highlights

There was no specific topic or general flow of conversation from the evening; the Perrys touched on every subject I believe is essential to today’s Believer: the idolatry of emotions, the importance of humility, jealousy, and covetousness, the dangers of false gospels, the conditions of our hearts and identity, and the fundamental truths of our faith. Not only did they touch on various unique topics, but most of the topics that Preston and Jackie covered have recently been topics of conversation amongst friends and areas in which the Lord has been refining me. Their insights and discussions have played a significant role in my personal growth and understanding of these issues.

While the evening had many highlights, convictions, and confirmations, the one that resonated most with me was the conversation about emotional idolatry.

We live in a world that conditions people to idolize their emotions. While our feelings can be strong, valid, and very real, we must filter them through God’s truths. God created us to feel emotions, but our emotions shouldn’t control us—our feelings have a place.

As someone who has, as Jackie Hill Perry stated, who has been raised by a survivor, there wasn’t always space made for my emotions. At a very young age, I learned that my feelings were not valid, tangible, or essential; this impacted my ability to recognize them and navigate them healthily as an adult. “Our emotions are evidence that we are made in the image of God.” Hearing this line from Jackie was a powerful affirmation of my journey of understanding my feelings and how God views me in light of them.

Because God is both God and man, He can feel how we feel. This truth gives our God a unique ability to relate to us. We have no feeling that God doesn’t understand—this is the beauty of the Christian faith that separates it from other religions and beliefs. Filtering our emotions through God’s truths may look like us being honest with how we feel, recognizing the injustice we feel, but surrendering the feelings to God and allowing Him to get revenge.

Final Thoughts

The event brought a new dimension to their discussions, with the audience’s energy feeding into the conversation. They touched on themes of Christian culture, the tenets of our faith, and fundamental truths, weaving in humor and vulnerability in a profound and relatable way. Their words resonated deeply, inspiring and affirming the audience with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

Although I didn’t know what to expect, if I could have gauged or pinpointed what the evening would be like, what I experienced would have far exceeded my expectations. This event was not just about entertainment; it was about encouraging every Believer to truly live for the Lord, trust in God’s character, esteem His divinity, and live out His calling with boldness and confidence.


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