Summer Solstice - Bonfire Marshmallow Toasting

Source: AzmanL / Getty

On June 20, as the sun climbed highest in the sky, we officially reached the summer solstice. This astronomical phenomenon, marking the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, has held deep spiritual significance for cultures across the globe for millennia. From ancient Egypt’s reverence for Ra to the Inca celebration of Inti Raymi (held during the winter solstice on June 24), the summer solstice has been a time to acknowledge the sun’s life-giving power, celebrate abundance, and connect with the natural world.

For us as Black people, connecting with the rhythms of nature can be a powerful act of self-care and spiritual renewal. The summer solstice offers a unique opportunity to tap into this energy and a chance to cultivate a sense of groundedness amidst our everyday lives. Below are practices to help you tap into the revitalizing energy of the summer solstice. By incorporating these practices into your summer solstice experience, you can tap into the potent energy of this time.

Reflecting On Abundance

The summer solstice is a natural invitation to reflect on the concept of abundance. Just as the sun reaches its peak, showering the earth with warmth and light, we can use this time to contemplate the abundance that exists within ourselves and in the world around us. This abundance can manifest in many ways: the love of our families and communities, the resilience of our culture, the creativity that fuels our passions. Consider taking a moment to journal or meditate on the things that bring richness and vibrancy to your life.

Connecting With Nature

Immersing ourselves in nature is a beautiful way to connect with the energy of the summer solstice. Consider starting your day with a sunrise meditation outdoors. Find a quiet space, breathe deeply, and allow the warmth of the sun to wash over you. Feel the connection to the earth beneath your feet and the vastness of the sky above. If time allows, take a walk in a park, spend an afternoon by a body of water, or simply sit in your backyard and observe the beauty of nature. Simply being present in nature allows us to quiet our minds and reconnect with the source of life itself.

Creating Rituals

Creating personal rituals around the summer solstice can deepen your connection to this sacred time. Gather some herbs or flowers that hold special meaning for you, perhaps ones used traditionally in your family or community. Light a candle at sunrise or sunset, symbolizing the sun’s radiant energy. Then, write down any intentions you wish to set for the rest of the summer, letting the powerful light of the solstice fuel your manifestations.

Celebrating With Community

The summer solstice is also a time for joy and celebration. Consider gathering with loved ones for a potluck or bonfire. Share stories, sing songs, especially those connected to your heritage or that celebrate the summer season, and express gratitude for the blessings in your lives. Connecting with your community allows you to share the abundance of the season and strengthen the bonds that uplift you.

Embracing Self-Care

The long, sun-drenched days of summer can be a time of increased activity and social gatherings. But it’s important to remember that self-care is essential, especially during this vibrant time. Schedule time for activities that bring you peace and rejuvenation, whether it’s curling up with a good book, taking a long bath infused with calming herbs, or spending quiet time in nature meditating on your goals. By prioritizing your well-being, you create space for your inner light to shine brightly.

Steph R. Long is a Chopra-certified Ayurvedic health instructor, meditation instructor, and well-being coach. She’s also the founder of holistic wellness and coaching company SRL Well-Being and the former Deputy Director of Enterprise for Refinery29 Unbothered, where she oversaw health, wellness, and spirituality content.


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